A marine insurance provider with great promise.

We deliver high-quality services to ship owners and ship operators across the world.


THE POWER FRONT SHIP OWNER MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called the Association), established in 2021 08, is a marine insurance provider with great promise. We provide the depth of expertise to address some of the industry’s most challenging needs, while always being in the position to place client service first.

We have been creating tailor-made solutions to specific certification or coverage challenges, always with a focus on quality. We provide Protection and Indemnity (P & I), Freight, Demurrage and Defense (FD & D) and Charterers’ Liability to shipowners and charterers, cover for policy limits up to $500 million for P&I and $2 million for FD&D. Currently the Association provides P&I cover for more than 200 vessels worldwide.

Headquartered in British Virgin Island and with offices in Shanghai, Singapore, London and Dubai, the Association employs approximately 500 professionals and provides 24/7 365 days rapid response to claims incidents with globally Correspondents.

Meanwhile, the Association has set up a global network of correspondents with long term co-operations deployed in over 100 countries and regions.

This highly efficient network ensures that members can receive immediate professional assistance in case of emergency, such as underwriting, claims handling, loss prevention and compliance service.

Today, our support continues to complement the cover provided by P&I Clubs, addressing the complexities of maritime conventions, regulations and laws, and the evolving risk challenges of modern operations. We foresee, and respond to, the needs of shipowners and operators. Tomorrow, we will carry on placing innovation, service and value at the center of everything we do. We focus on the demands and challenges not only of today but tomorrow, too.

The Association is dedicated to protecting marine industry, lives, health, environment and property. We sharing knowledge and expertise, particularly in order to improve safety and promote best practice across the industry.

We are experts in underwriting and claims, with both technical capability and deep knowledge of the areas we insure. We put the people we serve at the heart of everything we do, creating strong, balanced working relationships – so you can expect first-rate service and the support of experts who understand your world.

Our Vision is to be the leading marine insurer – not necessarily the largest. For us, it’s all about being considered ‘the best’. To help us reach this goal, our core Values consist of Integrity, Sharing, Agile and Curious.

By remaining curious and sharing knowledge, we aim to help our clients and members prevent accidents from occurring, while also being agile enough to react optimally in a crisis to mitigate losses.