A marine insurance provider with great promise.

We deliver high-quality services to ship owners and ship operators across the world.


How we operate

The objective of our Claims Department is to handle critical situations and claims in ​the most professional way possible and Shipowners always that
we will be here if one ever needs advice or to make a claim. We understand issues and priorities of the Shipowners and work to find ways of resolving situations and crises in the most positive, supportive and compliant way.

Our resources

Our claims handlers, lawyers and surveyors have extensive legal and operational competence. Our team members come from a variety of backgrounds, including International Group clubs, fixed cost providers, shipowners and law firms. Extensive expertise and knowledge allow us to deal with every aspect of a claim in-house and enables us to plan ahead for any potential issues that may arise.

Our worldwide network of P&I correspondents with over 480 correspondents in more than 250 ports provides additional service and expertise when needed wherever you are in the world.

Loss prevention

Our Loss Prevention Department supports Assureds in operational and technical matters, assisting them in minimizing their exposure to claims. Loss Prevention team includes experienced master mariners, naval architects, ship production engineers and specialist surveyors who are on hand to provide advice and administer risk assessment surveys.

Loss prevention activities include presentations, seminars, training and on board assessments as well as Loss Prevention publications issued on a regular basis, highlighting a wide range of risks that they may be exposed to and advising how to avoid such a loss.

Emergency Contact details

+30 211 234 1447